Clare Desira Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event

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Key Points for Clare Desira

  • Clare has worked with thousands of people across 40 countries. 
  • Described as the most refreshing take on mindset and resilience, Clare’s specialty is shifting the mindsets of teams facing change from a fear of failure and frustration to feeling empowered, confident and ready to contribute.
  • Clare has a rebooking rate of 91%, an average 9.1/10 score for implementation and has been booked by NAB over 30 times to speak or run team workshops.
  • Clare hosts #1 charting podcast, Leading Generous Teams, which dives into the  mindset and resilience strategies CEOs and leaders use.
  • Clare was a 2012 TEDx speaker.
  • Clare won a 2020 - 21 International Coach of the Year Award.
  • Clare is a fellow with the Centre for Sustainability Leadership.
  • Clare’s work has been regularly featured in Women’s Health and Fitness Magazine.
  • A popular takeaway gift for audiences (or posted to virtual audiences) is Clare’s award-winning, mindset and mental health building deck of cards.
  • Clare has worked with hundreds of organisations including Apple, IBM, Red Cross, Australia Post, Intrepid, QBE, Harcourts.  

Topics for Clare Desira

  • Mindset hacks 101: Positive thinking is boring!
    Described as the most refreshing take on mindset, resilience, leadership and productivity, this keynote covers hacks to train your brains and build your motivation. Not that sugar rush of unrealistic motivation that peaks quickly but leaves us exhausted as soon as we’re faced with the daily grind.

    We approach mindset, mindfulness and resilience with practicality and science.  We’ll show you how to retrain and rewire your brain on a daily basis, even in the face of life and death.  Participants walk away with: five simple game changing tools for a happier life, greater focus and better results for your business. 

    Who is it for: This is Clare’s most popular signature session that brings value to all audiences, we even get the cynics on board!

  • Change mindset and resilience: Future proof your thinking, future proof your company
    Described as a mindset reboot for teams in the depths of change. Drawing on motivation research and positive psychology, this interactive keynote helps your team go from catastrophizing to solving problems, from treading water to navigating change successfully, from feeling scared to feeling confident.

    We’ll share practical ideas to build a more productive and encouraging culture, and show you how to retrain and rewire your brain to thrive during change and uncertain times. Participants walk away with tools to leverage their brain for better results and bigger impact, tips for getting in the driver’s seat even during uncertainty and hacks for building energy in new ways.

    Who is it for: This keynote is popular with teams facing organisational change or wanting to inspire better results.

  • Strategic mindfulness
    Zen-like mindfulness and our fast-paced work cultures rarely go together. Until now. Drawing on neuroscience, Clare introduces strategic mindfulness techniques that you can actually apply in the workplace to bring stronger mental health, clarity and higher performance.   Participants walk away with strategic mindfulness techniques, some which take as little as 20 seconds, that can open up new paths of confidence, results with more ease and give you and your team an edge like never before.

    Who is it for: Another signature that brings value to all audiences, regardless of role or level in the organisation (we even get the cynics on board)!

  • Leadership: Beyond the KPI: The goals that really motivate
    Once upon a time, KPIs were set and there was an expectation of happily ever after. But without setting the goals that truly matter, your team’s dial up their resentment levels and put the best of our cultures on hold.  In this keynote, we’ll dispel the myths that a pay rise, a promotion, or annoying colleague leaving will bring them happiness in the workplace, and instead refocus your team on what they can really own in their role to perform like never before.

    Participants walk away with new ways to build resilience, drive, problem solving skills and focus on the goals that really matter. They’ll spend less down time in the spin or losing sleep over tricky stakeholders.

    Who is it for: Groups of leaders or leaders looking to motivate their employees at the start of the year, following change, busy times and annual performance review times when teams can be really disengaged.

  • Mindset for exhausted, frustrated and cynical front liners: Positive thinking isn’t enough and just won’t cut it
    Tirelessly trying to do their best to help our most vulnerable, these front liners can feel like they’re treading water and wading through red tape with no end in sight. More than ever, these roles require resilience, grit and determination.

    This keynote presentation or interactive workshop teaches them how to care for themselves and their clients in new ways so they can have a bigger impact. 

    We share tools to rewire their brains for a bigger impact and support stronger mindset, resilience and productive thinking even on the toughest days.  Refreshing and hopeful, your audience will walk away feeling confident in what they’re capable of achieving and provide practical ideas to open them up to operate in a new way.

    Who is it for: People in challenging, often community based roles, that are worn down and need new ways to re-energise and reconnect with their work. 

  • Mindset for stress: Stop wearing busy-ness as a badge of honor: A more mindful and resilient way to work
    Fact: You and your team have never felt busier than you are today. You’ve never been more connected than you are today. Your to-do list has never been longer than it is today. Time is constantly running out. The daily grind. You’re living it. 

    In this keynote, we’ll show you how to leverage your brain and think in new ways to make sustainable changes in your confidence levels, wellbeing and career (even when you’re wearing many hats and haven’t got time to breathe). You’ll recognise your own thinking traps, try mindset hacks for slowing your mind down and be skilled up to bring more calm to your life, team and culture.

    Participants walk away with tools to leverage their brain for better results and bigger impact, tips for getting in the driver’s seat even during uncertainty and hacks for building energy, resilience and drive in new ways.

    Who it is for: Leaders doing generous work in fast moving industries and teams who are far too busy to reminisce about the good ol’ (not so busy) days.

  • Mindset and purpose: Once upon a purpose – a story about how we are leading with our ‘why’ to change the world
    Clare has a vision of a world where no one is in need, our planet is thriving and we are the healthiest we’ve ever been both physically and mentally. The leadership patterns and personal choices we make around how we show up each day are shaping our world. Drawing on her experience as a Centre for Sustainability Leadership Fellow, co-director of a social change and leadership program and running her own purpose led organisation, Clare shares tools to help us show up with purpose every day to have an impact.

    Who it is for: Teams and individuals who’re looking to add meaning and purpose into their work, leaving them seeing the opportunities in change and raising the bar on how they solve problems or take on their next ambitious goal.

Testimonials for Clare Desira

Clare was just lovely, her enthusiasm for your subject is infectious and delivered in a such a practical way that appealed to all audience members   
Fast Lane Drive Thru Coffee

Clare opened our Apple Education team day with a workshop that absolutely left us feeling motivated and energised for the day ahead. We have team members based all over the country so it is important we use our time together openly and effectively. Engaging our team through a focus on positivity couldn’t have been timed better and allowed us to head into the rest of the day ready for productive problem solving and strategising as a team.

Clare’s address was an ideal start to our conference – passionate, engaging and thematically on-point. Clare told her story effectively and with humour, relating exceptionally well to her audience and leaving our audience inspired with simple and practical tips to take away and make change in their own lives. Clare was friendly, positive and supportive – a sincere and genuine person as well as a fantastic speaker.
Conference Director
Federation University Australia

Clare is an inspirational, insightful and extremely professional speaker and facilitator. Our delegates have described her as 'infectious and motivating' and her presentation on mindset was different to what we'd heard before on this topic and provided something that everyone in the room could take away with them. Clare is proactive and willing to accept any challenge thrown her way; at a couple of our events she has stepped in last minute and still exceed expectations delivering in an exceptionally composed and professional manner. Clare's warm and positive personality makes her an absolute pleasure to work with and I highly recommend her as a speaker or MC at any event.
Project Executive
Women in Emergency Services Conference 

We hired Clare to run a session to set the mindset and engagement of our CEO and executive team before a strategic planning day. Clare was engaging and her ideas were thought-provoking. Clare not only helped us get the most of our time together as a leadership team but left us with tools that the team felt would help us see opportunities and possibilities amidst complexity and confusion, be less overwhelmed and more mindful of what’s within our control, mentor different thinking in our teams and fuel another step in our positive cultural journey. I’ve already hired Clare again to partner with St Luke’s on a high potential leaders program.
GM People + Culture
St Luke's Health 

Anyone that knows me well would know that I hate over the top self-help type activities.  We've been through a lot change in my team and while it is important to support your team from a mindset and resilience perspective, I know that many people are very sceptical and cynical about any form of popular psychology and team activities. I've hired Clare twice now and the great thing about her workshops is that they are practical, insightful and entertaining, and even the most cynical staff were saying to me that they took something away from the session. Many of the team are also using the tools to cope with negativity and change better and to reduce stress, procrastination and worry. Mission accomplished!
Director – Governance Services
Western Sydney University 

I’ve booked Clare three times to support my team and a conference that brings leaders in our industry together (and I’ve already booked her in already for another event).  After Clare’s workshop our team now have tools to shift their mindset during change from a fear of failure and frustration to feeling empowered, confident and ready to contribute. Any team can benefit from a mindset reboot with Clare.  Clare has a unique talent to make people feel great about themselves and truly build confidence. Clare’s lasting impression with our team was key in us being awarded as an Employer of Choice by the Department of Skills and Growth Tasmania.
Heritage Isle Credit Union 

We’ve now booked Clare fifteen times to speak with groups of 150 new employees. I’d heard of Clare’s purpose driven work and so when I had the chance I booked her in to speak at our employee induction programs.  I was impressed that Clare was focussed on how she could add as much value as possible to our event and to really complement our messages as a purpose driven organisation.  Her presentation was motivating and aspirational and I know as a result our employees have had a mindset shift and will be showing up at the office with a lens of positivity and possibility! Many employees said Clare was the highlight of the day and the events Clare was involved in have had the highest overall NPS of all of our events so far.
HR Learning Manager

I brought Clare in to help build the mindset, resilience and productive thinking of our team.  We provide accommodation and other support services to local people with a disability during a time of intense sector transition. Our staff pour their heart and soul into their work; it is very rewarding but challenging with constant change. Following Clare's workshops, our team felt more confident in what they're capable of achieving, have new tools to strengthen their resilience and practical ideas to keep building a more productive and encouraging culture.
Colac Otway Disability Accommodation Inc. (CODA) 

I’d seen Clare present before and knew people from across our firm could benefit from her Top Five Movement story and tools.  Our people found Clare’s presentation engaging, insightful and purposeful. As a result of our engagement, we have demonstrated our commitment to the wellbeing and continued learning of our people and importantly that we value their contribution as individuals.  As a client, Clare is not only professional but genuinely cares about you achieving your goals or intended purpose. She is proactive and looks to provide a seamless client experience. We look forward to working with her again.
Diversity, Inclusion & Well-being Manager
Hall & Wilcox 

As a management team we needed to regroup following some organisational challenges.  We planned two days together and to help us get the most of our valuable time together, Clare kicked us off with a session on mindset.  After Clare’s session our team felt excited, grounded, positive, equipped and ready to focus on recovery. The framework Clare shared added to our planning sessions and has since become part of our ways of working – it has already been used by our HR and Corporate Affairs teams.
Corporate Affairs Director
Royal Canin (Mars) 

I meet with the best employers in our state and on hearing about Clare’s positive influence on the culture of an Employer of Choice across all levels, I wanted to introduce her valuable work to other organisations. Clare’s work clearly helped staff to embrace significant change (a merger) and support each other to overcome the workplace challenges, build better relationships with each other and customers. Clare’s work brings a unique drawing together of self-care + enabling people to collaboratively build productive mindsets + creating a mentally healthy workplace.  This all leads to a positive organisational culture. 

As a speaker Clare was excellent to work with. A quality presentation that gave people practical advice and tools to take away, rather than a ‘sell’ of products and services. That was most important. Clare’s style is very down to earth and she has a great understanding of how to communicate with both leaders and frontline staff.  

Overall Clare’s presentation was clear, concise, deeply insightful and practical.  As a result of our work together, our Employers of Choice have access to insights and practical tools that can help to build supportive, productive and mentally healthy workplaces.
State Manager
Skills Tasmania, Department of State Growth 

I'm proud to work in an organisation where we can feel like we can "bring ourselves to work."  The flip side of this is that as leaders we often have greater visibility of the challenges our team members face into as a part of life and feel an increased responsibility and desire to support them as best we can.  I lead one of the largest HR teams at NAB and brought Clare in to support my leadership team and I to learn new tools for resilience, mental health, productivity and performance during a challenging time for our team.   The session was engaging and practical.  As well as using the tools to better support themselves and their teams, we felt these they could drive impact across our organisation through greater collaboration, understanding, empathy, better team/inter-personal dynamics, getting people off the treadmill and more engaged and productive, creating a sense of what is possible and building a healthier and more connected workforce with sustained resilience. 
HR Executive

Clare was very easy to deal with. During part of the session she gave our audience the chance to choose their own adventure on which areas of mindset they were most interested in learning about. Clare left me and our audience feeling inspired, with a positive outlook and excited to make changes in everyday life. Clare brought value through relevance to proactive leaders, easy to listen to, humorous, light hearted, engaged audience after previous heavy industry topics. We've now hired her three years in a row.
Conference Producer
Insight Leadership Conference

We initially reached out to Clare because of her expertise in mindset and change management which aligned well with an event that centred itself around transformation in the digital age. Clare successfully MC’d this event and over the two days injected her wonderful energy, positivity and expertise. The attendees (and myself!) walked away with clear strategies to shift mindset during change and to create collaborative, innovative environments where change isn’t feared, but welcomed! Thanks Clare for your sincere, authentic and valuable content as an expert and as a speaker.
Conference Producer
Digital Transformation in Health

Clare is one of the best facilitators I have ever seen in action. Clare was warm, professional, entertaining and thoughtful and made each participant feel valued and ensured their voice was heard. Some of the words used by participants at the end of the session were inspired, challenged, motivated, refreshed, focussed and energised.  
Diversity + Inclusion Manager

VicHealth has a strong, positive culture, but we found that some employees were struggling during recent times of change.  We recognised it was a great opportunity to help employees build their wellbeing capacity and their mental toolkit for organisational change.

Clare was very insightful as she understood the strengths and challenges of the culture here at VicHealth and proposed a program to meet those challenges. Many of the VicHealth staff commented on Clare’s style, in that she was able to meet people where they were at, taking a real life challenge currently being faced by the organisation, and providing strategies on navigating change constructively. The program Clare created for us has been insightful, relevant, engaging, timely and helpful.

As a result of our work together, our employees have key strategies to help them navigate their work life to thrive in the workplace (especially during changes). VicHealth is an organisation full of passionate and engaged people so it’s wonderful to have tools to further enhance this, support ourselves and each other through periods of change, and continue to enhance our culture and organisation outcomes.

I brought my leadership team together for a lunchtime session with Clare to help them improve their mindset and level of team support. Clare’s style of presentation was excellent.  Following the workshop as a team we felt energised, engaged and focused. Our industry is all about service and the tools Clare shared will help us create a better team and customer service environment.  As a result of our work together the team are committed to lead by example and be more helpful, productive and encouraging with their team communications.
General Manager
Hotel Grand Chancellor

I engaged Clare as I know her style and knew our business members would find her message valuable on R U OK? Day and beyond. You need resilience and productivity skills to run a business and Clare’s message covers both.  Clare is easy, accommodating and fun to work with. Our members found her presentations authentic, inspiring, positive, uplifting and helpful. They left with renewed energy, encouraged to break out of existing patterns and focus on productive, helpful actions. As a result of our work together our members have been able to incorporate more gratitude and effective tips to use in both their business and their personal lives.  Members also mentioned after the workshop they’ve got tools for less stress, worry and reactive behaviour. And tools for being more aware and proactive in changing mindset, building more proactive relationships, managing conflict better and focusing on more effective and productive actions.
Manager of The Small Business Village

Clare spoke to the guests on our cruise about mindset, brain hacks and the goals they really needed to set this year. Hundreds of guests turned up each day and Clare was the most popular well being speaker our entertainment team had ever seen on our cruises. Our guests were re-scheduling their activities so they didn't miss a single one of Clare's four sessions.
Guest Experience Manager
Carnival Australia

Clare presented a lunchtime workshop for our team and some of the other businesses that work at the White House (Dumbo Feather, Beatrix Rowe, B-lab).  Clare provided useful and inspiring tools to help us change focus, shift perspective and make such a big difference to how we experience life. Clare walks her talk and is radiant and infectious - our office has a new lease on happiness.
Culture Manager
TOM Organic

Clare’s session received an outstanding score and feedback from the audience included, “Great presentation, this lady should be global.” The session was
standing room only!
Quickbooks Conference Team

Clare's keynote presentation on ‘Positive Thinking is Just Not Enough’ perfectly supported our conference theme of Great Partnerships = Great Impact!  Clare's presentation was important for our providers (from various community organisations) who deal with vulnerable clients on a daily basis, to remind themselves about how to care for themselves as well as their clients.  Clare came highly recommended to us.  As a speaker, Clare was very organised, on top of things, easy, personable and with her experience supporting people in community roles, understood our brief very quickly.  Clare's presentation and workshop were engaging, positive, active and relatable. As a result of our work together our NILS community had the opportunity to reflect and refocus.  They walked away with tools to support them, their teams and their clients to feel more confident and with a refreshed energy to try things differently.
Communications & Marketing Director
Good Shepherd Microfinance

I heard Clare speak three years ago and have been using the tools with my teams since to influence culture and support change. I knew we could trust Clare’s practical and thought provoking work on mindset and resilience to help launch our new wellbeing strategy.  Clare was efficient and collaborative to work with and created workshops to help us launch our new wellbeing program.  The first workshop booked out within two hours.  It was engaging, interactive and timely.  Our team rated the likelihood of using the tools day to day in their work 9.3/10!  Our second workshop also booked out and provided our teams with tools for less self-doubt, procrastination, self-criticism and second guessing.  As a result of our work together, the GOTAFE teams have new tools to boost morale, increase productivity, reduce stress, empower others, improve communication and help everyone navigate change better.
Learning + Development Team

Clare came highly recommended and we liked her easy, friendly and fun approach.  Clare has now worked on three engaging, relevant, interesting, and thought provoking projects with our team – opening our global Women in Leadership Forum, running a mindset workshop at our head office and creating an online goal setting and mindset program which we delivered to team members across our global teams.  Clare’s work really hit the mark and translated well globally. Our team feel like they have tools to help them understand issues through a different lens, create a better work environment for everyone by raising the bar, solve problems they haven't been able to solve and have clearer perspectives on how to encourage change.
Global Learning + Development General Manager
Intrepid Group

We first saw Clare present at an Employer of Choice launch.  Her style was down to earth and really connected with the culture we wanted to maintain and foster within our practice.  We hired Clare to run a team day and she really cared about what we wanted to achieve for each team member and our business. On the day Clare was enthusiastic and passionate and helped our employees to explore their thoughts and open up with one another in a safe environment.  As a result of our work together, our team have reconnected with our organisation and its vision and we are now a stronger and more cohesive group.
Practice Manager
The Dental Surgery

I brought my leadership team together for a lunchtime session with Clare to help them improve their mindset and level of team support. Clare’s style of presentation was excellent.  Following the workshop as a team we felt energised, engaged and focused.  Our industry is all about service and the tools Clare shared will help us create a better team and customer service environment.  As a result of our work together the team are committed to lead by example and be more helpful, productive and encouraging with their team communications.
General Manager
Hotel Grand Chancellor

We invited Clare to speak at our Next-Gen Community and Stakeholder Engagement event and it was a great decision.  Our delegates said Clare's take on mindset and resilience was refreshing and a great way to finish the afternoon.  Clare kept the audience engaged and delivered a different message around looking after ourselves and our goals in life.  Bringing in this perspective was powerful way to finish the day given stakeholder and community engagement roles are often challenging and complex.  Clare was a wonderful presenter with thought provoking content and engagement and left us with a fantastic mindset challenge.  We look forward to working with Clare again and recommend her as a speaker to close out your events on a (practical) high!
Conference Director
Stakeholder & Community Engagement Summit

Real Estate is very demanding on your time and mind. There are highs and lows. We took a workshop with Clare as it helps to know that there are strategies to use when we are faced with challenges and the demands on our time and minds in our industry. Clare was very knowledgeable and calming, and we found the session insightful, helpful, guiding and positive. The workshop gave me and my team a new way of looking at our problems and situations. We now assess situations before we become angry or stressed and try to find encouraging ways of dealing with things.
Ray White


Clare presented during our Year 7 - 9 assembly on the power of a positive mindset.  The presentation was spot on. It was simple but powerful. The ideas Clare shared are practical for our students to use and really support our school focus on wellbeing.  
Wellbeing Team
Caulfield Grammar

Clare ran a mindset, confidence and career workshop with our Year 11/12 students through our partnership with the IBM PTECH program. The students walked out of the workshop standing taller and armed with powerful tools. We’ve also been able to use Clare’s tools in a debrief with other staff after facing a challenging day and it is amazing how powerful the tools were in completely changing the atmosphere. As Clare says it’s not all sunshine and lolly pops, but it’s not all bad either and l have been struggling with how to encourage our students to see this and continue to develop a more positive, growth mindset, thanks for giving this old(er) teacher some new fuel. Fuel that will impact my work, my family and relationships.

We have used Clare for three events with our students and teachers and are planning more. Clare’s processes help put the spotlight on issues we wish to expose & explore with our students and staff in a very positive and productive way (for example communication, mindset, confidence, body language, speaking up and presenting). An important measure of success has been the engagement and energy in the room, generated by Clare.

The content compliments the industry learning opportunities our students receive.  Students who began with a feeling of powerlessness left the session confident, motivated and have started to influence their future. Participating staff say the sessions have helped them to reflect on their own mindset and how they can influence and shift their own demeanor. Clare + the Top Five Movement have an important place in assisting young adults as they confront the uncertainties of a rapidly changing society, whilst trying to find their pathway to success and happiness. I’ve also seen IBM employees find this content very powerful for their work and lives.
P-TECH/STEM Schools Program

This year we’ve introduced a new program for our Year 9 students and the school community. We felt the students would benefit from thinking about the mindset they had going into the year. Clare was extremely easy to work with and took the time to ask specifically about our crowd so that the messages and talk was tailored to our needs.  Our students and teachers found Clare’s presentation on mindset engaging, interactive, thought provoking and useful. Through Clare’s presentation our students have been given messages and mindset tools they can use throughout all aspects of life, but importantly for us, have a message we can use throughout the year as challenges arise.
Year 9 Coordinator
Trinity College

We hired Clare to speak to our students about authentic goal setting and inspire them to focus on positive mindset and personal growth.  Clare was superb to work with - organised, professional and spoke exceptionally well and left all feeling inspired. As a result of the presentation, students are able to better understand the purpose of goals and goal setting, as well as positive mindset. Teachers feel more equipped and confident to discuss goals and goal setting with students in an authentic way.  Clare also sent us a follow up video which we showed to keep the students motivated and working towards their goals. Clare’s service has been exceptional and invaluable to the school in setting up a new program related to student goal setting.
Year 10 Academic Advisor
Lauriston Girls’ School

Having heard that Clare was a great presenter with excellent ideas around positive thinking and mindset, we invited her to help support our work in providing our Year 7 students with strong mental health routines for their high school experience. On the three occasions she has presented for us she has proved to be a well prepared, inspiring speaker and role model. Clare’s enjoyable and motivating presentations are perfectly pitched to our students and they have gained a better understanding of how to think in a positive manner and be grateful for all the wonderful experiences they have every day in their lives.
House Leader
St Columba’s College